Hi ! I’m Megan, the founder of Holistic WellCare.
My journey with health began from eating and living however I wanted to getting two autoimmune diseases.
Healing from autoimmunity made me realize how critical it is to eat quality food, support the body’s detoxification systems, use root cause labwork, and adjust my way of living.
The foundation of my education was studying wildlife diseases (which can infect humans) at Colorado State University. I then switched to human health and earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of West Florida. I previously worked as a Registered Nurse for 1o years.
My best teacher was experience. I remember the critical moment, when the life-altering epiphany struck me: my western doctors were wrong about autoimmunity. The body can heal itself when you can decipher what the symptoms mean, which only a root-cause Functional Medicine approach can provide.
I gained my education to be able to teach others the importance of nutrition and lifestyle and guide them on the path to a healthy lifestyle. I also gained personal experience with disease and healing from it. I think that western medicine shines in certain areas and functional medicine shines in other areas; what a remarkable system we would have if they joined together.
Holistic WellCare is created for those seeking all things wellness, to gain knowledge, tools, and resources to reach their health goals. Please know that anything I share is not from a Registered Nurse point of view, but from my own research and application as it relates to my personal disease processes.